Inner Doors for Floor Standing Electrical Cabinets

Electrical Cabinet Modular Accessories

Cover Plates

Part Number SKUHeight (mm) xDescriptionTo Suit Width of Cabinet (mm)
IP-CP1640160mm High Cover Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CPMCB1640160mm High with MCB Cutouts400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP1660160mm High Cover Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CPMCB1660160mm High with MCB Cutouts600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP1680160mm High Cover Plate800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CPMCB1680160mm High with MCB Cutouts800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP2440240mm High Cover Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP2460240mm High Cover Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP2480240mm High Cover Plate800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP3240320mm High Cover Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP3260320mm High Cover Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP3280320mm High Cover Plate800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP4040400mm High Cover Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP4060400mm High Cover Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP4080400mm High Cover Plate800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP4840480mm High Cover Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP4860480mm High Cover Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP4880480mm High Cover Plate800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP5640560mm High Cover Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP5660560mm High Cover Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP5680560mm High Cover Plate800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP6440640mm High Cover Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP6460640mm High Cover Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-CP6480640mm High Cover Plate800mm Wide Cabinet

To fit Cover Plates, 1xset of Cover Brackets are required. Select 1xset of Cover Brackets below to suit the height of the electrical cabinet.

Part Number SKUHeight (mm)xDescriptionTo Suit Height of Cabinet (mm)
IP-CPP16201620mm High Cover Brackets1620mm High Cabinet
IP-CPP18601860mm High Cover Brackets1860mm High Cabinet
IP-CPP20202020mm High Cover Brackets2020mm High Cabinet
Floor Standing Cabinet Cover Plates
Floor Standing Cabinet Cover Plates-2

Contactor Brackets

Part Number SKUDescriptionxWidth (mm)To Suit Width of Cabinet (mm)
IP-MP1540Contactor Mounting Plate - 400mm W400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP1560Contactor Mounting Plate - 600mm W600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP1580Contactor Mounting Plate - 800mm W800mm Wide Cabinet
Contactor Bracket

To attach Contactor Bracket, 1xDepth Slide Kit is required (if existing Depth Slides are not suitably positioned). Select 1xDepth Slide Kit to suit depth of electrical cabinet.

Part Number SKUDepth Slide (mm) to suit Depth of Electrical Cabinet
IP-DS400-KIT400mm Depth Slide Kit
IP-DS600-KIT600mm Depth Slide Kit
IP-DS800-KIT800mm Depth Slide Kit
Depth Slide

DIN Rail Brackets

To mount DIN Rail (without the use of a mounting plate) a Mounting Bracket and a DIN Rail is required.

Mounting Bracket - SKUDIN Rail - SKUTo Suit Width of Cabinet (mm)
IP-MCBP0040IP-MCBR0040400mm Wide Cabinet
600mm Wide Cabinet
800mm Wide Cabinet
DIN Rail Bracket

Partial Mounting Plates

Part Number SKUHeight (mm)xDescriptionTo Suit Width of Cabinet (mm)
IP-MP160400160mm High Mounting Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP160600160mm High Mounting Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP160800160mm High Mounting Plate800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP240400240mm High Mounting Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP240600240mm High Mounting Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP240800240mm High Mounting Plate800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP320400320mm High Mounting Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP320600320mm High Mounting Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP320800320mm High Mounting Plate800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP400400400mm High Mounting Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP400600400mm High Mounting Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP400800400mm High Mounting Plate800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP560400560mm High Mounting Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP560600560mm High Mounting Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP560800560mm High Mounting Plate800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP640400640mm High Mounting Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP640600640mm High Mounting Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP640800640mm High Mounting Plate800mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP720400720mm High Mounting Plate400mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP720600720mm High Mounting Plate600mm Wide Cabinet
IP-MP720800720mm High Mounting Plate800mm Wide Cabinet

To attach Mounting Plates to cabinet, select 1xBracket Kit below. (Note that several Mounting Plates can be attached to 1xBracket Kit providing the total height of Mounting Plates does not exceed height of Bracket Kit.)

Part Number SKUHeight (mm)xDescription
IP-MPB400-KIT400mm High Mounting Plate Bracket Kit
IP-MPB600-KIT600mm High Mounting Plate Bracket Kit
IP-MPB800-KIT800mm High Mounting Plate Bracket Kit
IP-MPB1000-KIT1000mm High Mounting Plate Bracket Kit

To attach Mounting Plate Bracket Kit, 1xDepth Slide Kit is required (if existing Depth Slides are not suitably positioned). Select 1xDepth Slide Kit to suit depth of electrical cabinet.

Part Number SKUDepth Slide (mm) to suit Depth of Electrical Cabinet
IP-DS400-KIT400mm Depth Slide Kit
IP-DS600-KIT600mm Depth Slide Kit
IP-DS800-KIT800mm Depth Slide Kit